
There are 13 results.

Five Need-To-Know Rubric Grading Tips

October 13, 2021
Rubrics provide a framework for students, helping them submit stronger assignments while decreasing confusion as they write and create. While leveraging Canvas to provide clear, efficient, and consistent access to rubrics, take a minute to learn a few settings, saving yourself valuable time and a possible headache.

Rubric Best Practices Guide

January 16, 2023
When used effectively, rubrics facilitate clear and consistent assessment, enhancing the learning experience for both students and instructors. In the online classroom environment, where students do not have the frequent, physical access that a traditional classroom provides, rubrics can provide the added benefit of increasing student engagement with course material and clarifying an instructor's expectations (Keengwe, Adjei-Boateng, & Diteeyont, as cited in Haught, Ahern, & Ruberg, 2017). In fact, according to Martin & Bolliger (2018), online learners have reported that grading rubrics are highly important for learner-to-instructor engagement. For instructors, too, rubrics simplify the grading process, promoting consistency across students and terms. Eliminating the guesswork from grade determination, well-designed rubrics can save professors precious time and energy.

How to Set Up Your Canvas Notifications

September 24, 2021
Did you know you can elect to receive notifications via email related to specific actions in your Canvas account? Notification preferences are applied across your account to all of your courses. However, you can change notification settings for individual courses within each course by clicking View Course Notifications from the home page of the course.

Data-Centric Recommendations for Video Engagement

October 30, 2024
Incorporating prerecorded videos and animations into online learning experiences allows students the opportunity to access content at any time after the material is delivered. The inclusion of video and animation in online learning is now ubiquitous. To promote engagement, it is imperative that such content be delivered to learners clearly and effectively.

Developing Instructional Materials

October 28, 2022
Once you have defined the learning objectives for your course, you can begin to develop assessments to ensure students achieve those objectives. Once you have created assessments, you can begin to develop materials to ensure students succeed on those assessments. This backward design process—which moves from objectives to assessments and finally to materials—is known as learning-centered instruction, and it directs every course task toward the mastery of certain skills and competencies. This blog focuses on the third stage of this process, the development of high-quality instructional materials, beginning with the idea that robust and engaging online courses contain a mix of created and curated content. Below you will find guidelines for creating and curating instructional materials to help you achieve the optimal balance for your course.

Best Practices to Support Student Well-Being

November 22, 2024
Mental health concerns are prevalent among undergraduate and graduate students and can have deleterious consequences (Chi et al., 2023; Venable & Pietrucha, 2022). In particular, students struggling with their mental health are less likely to pass their courses and more likely to drop out of their programs of study (Lister & McFarlane, 2021). While universities often provide support systems in the form of accessibility services and counseling centers, several significant issues can lead to the underutilization of available resources among students in general and online students in particular. First, students may need to be physically present on campus in order to access support systems (Lister et al., 2023). As a result, students enrolled in online programs may be unable to use them. Additionally, students may not capitalize on available resources due to logistical challenges (e.g., scheduling), feelings of discomfort in asking for help, or concerns about stigmatization (Venable & Pietrucha, 2022).

Formatting Content: Personal Experience Insights

December 03, 2024
In our Personal Experience Insights series, members of the Everspring Learning Design department share first-hand accounts of creating online learning content and meaningful takeaways from their professional experiences.

Incorporating Multimedia in Your Course

October 17, 2022
Multimedia, which helps create an engaging and interactive online learning environment, has been shown to contribute to improved student performance (Cheng et al., 2009, p. 1). Though many online courses incorporate videos, they neglect to feature other forms of multimedia. And, while videos are a staple of multimedia use, there are other exciting options to consider: podcast episodes, graphics, and animations can all enhance course content, enriching the student experience. To maximize the benefits multimedia can provide, consider including these underutilized forms of multimedia in your course.

Two-Stage Extensions: When a Canvas Quiz Has Limited Attempts and an Availability Date

April 12, 2024
When a Canvas quiz has a limited number of attempts and an availability date, there are two sets of actions instructors usually need to take to provide a student with an additional attempt or extension on the quiz. First, the instructor will need to add a new quiz attempt for the student. Second, if the availability date has passed or is about to pass, they will need to extend the availability of the quiz. This short guide will walk you through both stages of the process.

Offering Extensions in Canvas

April 12, 2024
Due dates are a useful pedagogical tool. They help students keep pace to complete the course, populate the To-Do List and Calendar with reminders for both instructors and students, and allow Canvas to work more predictably and efficiently, among other benefits. However, there inevitably come times when a student needs a different time frame than the standard allotment to complete work. This guide will help walk through the considerations needed to extend the due date on an assignment. (Note: Extending the due date of an assignment, discussion, or quiz is different than adding additional attempts at the work. For more information on adding attempts, see the Envision piece Two-Stage Extensions: When a Canvas Quiz Has Limited Attempts and an Availability Date.)